Thursday, September 22, 2011


"Gratitude is based on the belief that God is painting a picture that will turn out for His glory regardless of our present circumstances." - T.W. Hunt
I've been learning in my Bible study this week that gratitude should be a continuous and permanent attitude of every Christian. We should not be grateful only when God blesses us with the obvious things. The Bible exhorts us to be thankful in every circumstance...this includes the bad circumstances. But as Christians, we can rejoice because God is working in all things for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. God's ultimate goal for us is not that we feel happy or have a good time, but to make us like Christ. (Eph.4:15) I made myself a list of discomforts that I am going through right now. And then I thanked God for them because I believe in His unchanging character, I believe that He is always good, and I know that He is working in all things for my good.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea, Kara. I think I will make myself a list too. Thanks for your thoughts.


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