Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Choir Presentation

I am so close to finishing my associate's in music! I praise God for the opportunity He gave me to study music. I have loved it so much. This whole year I have been taking choir directing courses. As part of a homework assignment, I had to get together my own choir and present it in chapel in front of my teacher, classmates and all of their own choirs. One of the songs my choir sang was, Dichosos, a song from my mom's Pilgrim's Progress project. I felt so honored to be able to use my mom's own song! The presentation turned out very beautifully and I was so excited to have gone through the experience. May He be praised through our music!


  1. I LOVE that first picture of you conducting! :-) Wish I could have been there to hear and see it!

  2. I love that picture too and wish i could have been there too! How exciting!! Did you video it? I would love to hear it!

  3. I LOVE the picture too! I am so proud of you and I can't wait to see the video!!


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