Saturday, July 16, 2011

Translating trip

The last few days Luis and I had the opportunity to be a part of 23 translators for a group of 72 Americans who came down to Guatemala. This team of people from a church in Dallas, TX has been coming here for the past 11 years to do a kid’s camp in a town called Zacapa (about three hours from the capital). It was very fun to be a part of this ministry for a few days. I translated for a group of moms each morning that had a time of teaching and crafts. In the afternoons I was translating for a group of 12 and 13 year old girls. Luis worked in the mornings translating for a group of 5 year old boys and in the afternoons he translated for elementary kids. Luis’ group of boys went from craft station, to devo station, to game station. Not only did he serve as translator but also as running after some very hyper-active little ones! In the evenings we enjoyed a time of sharing testimonies with the team from Dallas. Many people witnessed different kids accepting Christ into their hearts. Both of us enjoyed our time very much with the team and also with the kids and we were excited to be a part of what God is doing through them in Zacapa
The pool at the hotel where we stayed

kids waiting to come into camp

Luis' group of kids

Luis waiting for kids to get there

On our way to the camp

The craft that my group of women did

The group of ladies that I worked with and translated for

Group of teenage girls I worked with in the evenings

Fun girls!

They wanted to pose all over the place!

Group of teenage kids

Group of 23 translators

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